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What do You Need to Look For in Your Next Company Car?

Looking to buy a new company car? Whether you are adding to the fleet or replacing an existing vehicle, this is a huge decision and one which you must make carefully. Not only is it is a large financial decision to make, it is also one which could impact the success of your business operation so you need to make sure that you find the right car.

What is it Needed For?

The very first question to ask yourself is what is the car needed for? This could be for transporting goods, for taking multiple passengers on short trips, long journeys or anything else. Once you know exactly what you are using the car for you can then decide whether you should be looking at a city car, SUV, people carrier etc.

Build Quality

You must also make sure that you are purchasing a high-quality car as you will be relying on this for your business operation so you will not want it to let you down. This means opting for a reliable manufacturer and doing your research beforehand. Newer vehicles are also more likely to be reliable and feature the latest technology.


A company car should be one that is economical, particularly in today’s eco-conscious age. In addition to reducing your company’s environmental impact, this will also be a car that is cheaper to run which can have a positive impact on your bottom line.


It is not the most important factor when choosing a company car but you do need to consider the appearance. You will want a vehicle which is stylish and will impress but you should also make sure that the vehicle has a professional feel too – this means opting for simple shades like black or grey.

Where to Purchase From

The above areas should help you to filter your results and identify a few good models. Once you have an idea for what car would be best for your business, you then need to decide where to buy it from. It is a good idea to buy from a recognised dealership for the brand so that you can get the best deals and have peace of mind. If you decide that a Land Rover Sport is the best vehicle, for example, then you should shop at a Land Rover dealership like Peter Vardy.

Hopefully, the information in this post will help you to find the perfect car which will integrate seamlessly with your business operation.